Galaxy Peach Tree 4-5 feet -
Galaxy Peach Tree 4-5 feet - FREE SHIPPING
Huge, Sweet Peaches You Can't Find in Stores
Why Galaxy Peach Trees?
The Galaxy Peach Trees delivers sweet flavor you can't find anywhere else. Unlike golden peaches grown all over the country, the Galaxy (a white donut peach) is a rare find - and it's less acidic with a tiny stone in the center.
The Galaxy Peach is the biggest donut peach you can grow and is almost 50 percent larger than the Saturn. You'll enjoy biting into your fresh, sweet, juicy peaches in the fall.
In fact, there's a lot you're going to love about your Galaxy Peach. From its weeping foliage to its sculptural branches that bring ornamental value plus robust peaches, the Galaxy is second to none.
Plus, you'll never run out of peaches. You get almost 50 pounds of these intensely sweet dessert peaches to savor year-long! And since the Galaxy is disease resistant, there's zero guesswork in growing, zero harsh chemicals or sprays, and zero effort in the garden.
Requiring only 200 to 300 chill hours, these donut peaches can be grown in warmer climates that don't get hard freezes. And the Galaxy is hardy too, tolerating temperatures down to -10 degrees.